Johannes Liebsch Patent™ shows at the EAO-DGI Meeting: Peri-Implantitis is Preventable Much like dental conferences worldwide, the EAO-DGI joint meeting in Berlin reached a common conclusion: while various approaches exist for treating peri-implantitis, none have proven to deliver lasti... 17 oct. 2023
Johannes Liebsch "We stand for predictable, reproducible long-term results!" A milestone: The first long-term study on two-piece zirconia implants was published. In the independent study at the University Hospital Düsseldorf in Germany osseointegrated Patent™ Implants exhibite... 7 juin 2023
Johannes Liebsch Long-term implant success is now a reality A major milestone has been achieved with the publication of the first long-term study on two-piece zirconia dental implants. The independent study by the University of Düsseldorf revealed healthy soft... 16 mai 2023
Johannes Liebsch No Peri-Implantitis After 9 Years A milestone: the first long-term study on two-piece zirconia implants was published. The independent prospective study at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf examined two-piece Patent™ Implants (Zirc... Patent™ Dental Implant System Peri-implantitis long-term results 28 mars 2023
Johannes Liebsch New study attests to the superior bone healing of Patent™ Implants The question of whether the surface roughness of a zirconia dental implant determines its ultimate ability to integrate into the bone has been at the center of the scientific debate surrounding cerami... Patent™ Dental Implant System fast healing 7 oct. 2022
Johannes Liebsch Official ESCI Statement The medical necessity for two-piece zirconia implants healthy aging long-term results medical necessity 15 févr. 2022