33º Congresso da OMD
33º Congresso da OMD
Lisbon, Portugal
Join us at this year's congress of the Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas (OMD), set to take place from November 21 to 23. The annual OMD congress is a highlight for dental professionals from Portugal and beyond, offering updates on the latest dental product innovations and clinical approaches.
Sign up for two hands-on sessions with internationally renowned expert Dr. Roland Glauser on the morning and afternoon of November 22. During these sessions, the Swiss expert will explain why the Patent™ Dental Implant System effectively resists peri-implantitis, as demonstrated in long-term studies at the universities of Düsseldorf and Graz. Crucial to the Patent™ Implant's long-term success is its ability to promote uniquely strong soft-tissue adhesion, resulting in a robust defense barrier against bacteria around the implant's transmucosal surface. Dr. Glauser describes this as an effective "biological firewall."
Register for these highly informative sessions to see for yourself that implant treatments without peri-implantitis are an achievable reality - today!