EACim / SOPIO Scientific Day - Lisbon 2025

EACim / SOPIO Scientific Day - Lisbon 2025

Lisbon, Portugal

Discover how to prevent peri-implantitis at the Scientific Day of the EACim and SOPIO, taking place in Lisbon, Portugal, on February 8!

Organized by the prestigious European Academy of Ceramic Implantology (EACim) and the Portuguese Society of Implantology and Osseointegration (SOPIO), this premier training event offers cutting-edge education on the latest clinical approaches in implant dentistry.

A highlight of the event is a lecture by renowned Swiss researcher Dr. Roland Glauser, who will discuss how the Patent™ Dental Implant System prevents peri-implantitis by establishing uniquely strong soft-tissue adhesion around its neck, creating an effective “biological firewall” against plaque and bacteria.

The effectiveness of Patent™ in preventing peri-implantitis has been demonstrated in two long-term studies conducted at leading European universities. These studies found no peri-implantitis around two-piece Patent™ Implants after 9 and up to 12 years – even in high-risk patients with compromised health.

Register now for this exceptional training event in Lisbon and experience implant dentistry without peri-implantitis for yourself!

Dr. Roland Glauser

"Fighting the Tsunami of peri-implantitis by establishing an effective biological firewall around your implant restorations"

Register Now

Date et heure
samedi 8 février 2025
09:00 20:00 (Europe/Zurich)

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Auditório Prof. Armando Simões dos Santos

Rua Professor António Flores, portão de descargas
Lisboa 1649-033
+351 919 022 557
+351 21 792 2600

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European Academy of Ceramic Implantolgy (EACim)


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