19. Jahreskongress DGOI

19. Jahreskongress DGOI

Hamburg, Germany

„Implantologie 2023 – Wo stehen wir aktuell?“

The Zircon Medical team cordially invites you to the 19th Annual Congress of the German Society of Oral Implantology (DGOI), taking place in Hamburg on July 7 and 8. The annual congress of the implantological association is considered a must-visit by implantologists and dental technicians from all over Germany, and this year's edition promises once again to provide comprehensive information on the latest clinical approaches and technological product advancements with a large number of scientific lectures and practical workshops.

Register now for the Patent™ Table Clinic with Dr. Roland Glauser (Friday, July 7, Block 1, from 09.30): The Zurich-based researcher and implant specialist will explain how the two-piece Patent™ Dental Implant System is able to achieve unprecedented long-term success and prevent peri-implantitis by following the biological principles of the natural tooth in terms of design and structural composition. The success of the Patent™ Concept has been proven in an independent long-term study: Healthy and stable hard and soft tissues, no implant fractures and no peri-implantitis after 9 years.

We look forward to welcoming you in Hamburg on July 7!

Dátum & Idő
2023. július 7., péntek
Kezdete - 10:00 (Europe/Zurich)
2023. július 8., szombat
Vége - 18:00 (Europe/Zurich)

Hozzáadás a naptárhoz


Factory Hammerbrooklyn

Stadtdeich 2-4
20097 Hamburg
--Factory Hammerbrooklyn--



Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orale Implantologie e.V. (DGOI)

+49 7251 6189960

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