Johannes Liebsch Unparalleled implant success proved by long-term studies An interview with Dr. Wolfgang Winges, Germany Patent™ Dental Implant System healthy densitry 11/11/2022 Patent™ Comunidade
Johannes Liebsch With the Patent™ Implant towards long-term success An Interview with Dr. Paul Lee (INTEGRA, Luxembourg) Patent™ Dental Implant System healthy densitry 01/08/2022 Patent™ Comunidade
Johannes Liebsch Dentist by profession, an archeologist by heart An interview with Dr. Harald Fahrenholz, Vienna Patent™ Dental Implant System healthy densitry 11/04/2022
Johannes Liebsch State-of-the-Art Implant Dentistry in South Tyrol An interview with Dr. Obermair Patent™ Dental Implant System spotlight 07/03/2022 Patent™ Comunidade
Johannes Liebsch Once a skeptic, now an advocate of ceramic implants An interview with Dr. Norbert Fock, Vienna implantology spotlight 01/02/2022 Patent™ Comunidade