Johannes Liebsch Prevention of Peri-implantitis Scientific long-term studies prove that the Patent™ Implant is able to minimize the risk of biological late-term complications – with no single case of peri-implantitis recorded after 9 and 12 years o... Patent™ Dental Implant System healthy dentistry peri-implantitis 20/12/2022 Patent™ Dental Implant System
Johannes Liebsch Soft-Tissue Seal to Prevent Complications Since dental implants are located partly inside the patient's body and partly in their oral cavity, the peri-implant soft tissue around them with its marginal epithelium represents a decisive defense ... Patent™ Dental Implant System healthy aging healthy dentistry 02/06/2022 Patent™ Dental Implant System
Info Patent™ | Zircon Medical Biocompatible Solutions in Dental Surgery & Implantology Biocompatible Solutions in Dental Surgery & Implantology biological dentistry healthy dentistry implantology 18/03/2022 Zircon Medical Podcasts
Johannes Liebsch On Healthy Oral Rehabilitation Dr. Sofia Karapataki is currently preparing the publication of a landmark retrospective study that delivers promising results regarding the long-term performance of the Patent™ Dental Implant System. healthy dentistry oral health peri-implantitis 16/03/2022 Medicina Dentária Saudável
Johannes Liebsch How to successfully prevent Peri-implantitis For half a century, titanium dental implants were considered the gold standard when it came to restoring tooth gaps or replacing unsalvageable teeth. However, the initial euphoria surrounding metal de... healthy dentistry peri-implantitis 16/03/2022 Medicina Dentária Saudável
Johannes Liebsch The Link between Oral Health and Overall Health In this interview PD Dr. Goran Benic, senior physician at the Clinic for Reconstructive Dentistry of the University of Zurich and user of the Patent™ Dental Implant System (Zircon Medical Management),... healthy dentistry soft tissue seal 07/03/2022 Medicina Dentária Saudável
Info Patent™ | Zircon Medical Biological Dentistry with Ceramic Implants Biological Dentistry with Ceramic Implants healthy dentistry implantology metal-free dentistry 17/12/2021 Zircon Medical Podcasts
Info Patent™ | Zircon Medical Understanding BiologicalDentistry Understanding Biological Dentistry healthy dentistry metal-free dentistry 10/12/2021 Zircon Medical Podcasts
Info Patent™ | Zircon Medical Metal-Free Dentistry Metal-Free Dentistry healthy dentistry implantology metal-free dentistry 26/11/2021 Zircon Medical Podcasts
Info Patent™ | Zircon Medical Understanding Current Trends in Ceramic Implantology Understanding Current Trends in Ceramic Implantology healthy dentistry implantology master of zirconia 08/10/2021 Zircon Medical Podcasts