Patent™ Basic & Advanced Course
Patent™ Basic & Advanced Course
Patent™ Basic & Advanced Course
This course will give you the skills to introduce the Patent™ Dental implant system into clinical practice in a safe and efficient way. It will provide you the evidence for why Patent™ is a unique tooth replacement benefit for your patients.
Course Flow
You will learn about all the anatomical and general health considerations of the patients that are important. We will then take you through treatment planning using different diagnostic tools. You will be introduced to the Patent™ Dental Implant System, components and instruments.
You will have the opportunity to review various clinical cases focused on the common tooth loss indications. There will be a "hands-on" workshop which will include both the surgical and the restorative procedures. You will also lear how to acoid complications and manage a comprehensive treatmant approach to ensure the long term wellness of your patient.
Program and inscription
Prof. Dr. Marcel Wainwright

Studies at Dental School RWTH University of Aachen, received Doctor´s degree 1996
1997-2016 Several Private Practices in Germany and in Sweden (Stockholm)
Certified Implantologist
2008 Member of the German Dental Olympic Team 2008 in Beijing (China), 2012 London
Since 2018 Consulting Dentist/Surgeon in Luxembourg (Integra), Switzerland and Frankfurt
Since 2009 Visiting Professor for Ultrasonic Surgery and Implantology at State University of Seville (Spain), Dep. Oral Surgery
Since 2020 German Ambassador of the European Association for Ceramic Implants (EACim)
Certified Implantologist (DGI), Member of numerous societies
Vice President of the IAUSI (International Academy for Ultrasonic Surgery and Implantology)
Co-Inventor of the Intralift (Ultrasonic based minimal invasive crestal sinus lift procedure) and numerous ultrasonic surgical tips for Acteon Satelec.
Keynote Speaker for various companies and worldwide lecturer
Guest Professor of several Universities
More than 70 publications and scientific papers, worldwide conducted courses/lectures with more than 8000 dentists trained.